P5 - Activity Ad Campaign

For this project you will design an ad campaign promoting a service or product of the organization or company you designed an identity for.

Since the company evolved out of your activity explorations, and their service or project is tied to the activity, you might want to use your designed glyphs and researched images to help design the ad campaign.

This project is somewhat an extension of your original activity statement project, but now a specific sender (your organization) and a specific audience (your persona) has been identified.

The ad campaign will consist of at least two or more advertisements:

• The first ad design must take a Contemporary Object Poster Messaging approach to design.

• The second ad design must take a Constructivist Messaging approach to the design.



Due to the Coronavirus threat this class will now be taught online

Note: The DOVAD building, as well as the print lab are closing, so we will NOT attempt any class meetings, nor will we be printing the ads, or hanging them in the hallway

Post design files on your blog as you work on the designs. 
The Project Schedule below indicates what is due on the project and when it it due.
Be sure you have this process posted on your blog on the due dates by 3:00 pm.

The plan right now is for me to send you out  timely individual critiques via e-mail.

I may also be posting some content and instruction regarding the project on the class blog. If so, it be will linked to the Class Content navigation on the blog. 

Try not to get stressed out about the situation at hand. Going online is making this class project more similar to a real-world design project. I may adjust the last two class project design schedules, but right now we are sticking with the due dates listed. Let’s see how things go. If you any questions, inquire amongst yourselves, and/or send me an e-mail. 

I will attempt to hold a video conference critique on this project via Canvas or Google for Tuesday, March 31st.  I will let you know if you are going to attempt it.

I encourage you to  communicate amongst yourselves regarding your work on the project.
You might consider one-on-one communication, or setting up a group discussion and/or conference on Canvas, or in Google, to communicate with one another.


Project Schedule

T - Thursday, March 12th
The project launches.

Be sure to post all of your design process on your blog.

T - Tuesday, March 24th
Two tight design roughs of your ad campaign are due.

I will give you each an E-mail critique of the the design roughs.

T - Tuesday, March 31st
The final ad campaign, and all of your design process, is due.

Upload the final ad campaign onto this post on your blog by Tuesday, March 31st. 
I will give you each an E-mail critique, or we will coordinate a Video Conference group critique of the design roughs.


Examples of Contemporary Word and Image Ads:

Also, check out the post P5 - Object & Constructivist Messaging Examples on the blog.


Contemporary Object Poster approach –


Contemporary Constructivist Messaging approach –
similar to Synthetic Cusbist collage, but more structurally constructed